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The ultimate collection of quality fishing baits - used by many top anglers.
Mark Tunley
Custom Rod Builder
Gardner Tackle
Angling Publications
The carp angling magazine specialists
Anglers Net
News, articles, competitions. A great all-round angling site.
Quality Baits
Where quality & price combine to give you a great deal!
White Water Fisheries
White Water fisheries prides itself on providing first class products and services to its customers from the purpose built farm based in Derbyshire.
Linear Fisheries
Probably the best day ticket carp waters in the UK
Press Manor Fishery
Day Ticket - Trout, Coarse and Carp Lakes in beautiful surroundings in the Peak District, Derbyshire.
The Carp Tackle Reviewer
Reviewing all things carpy!
Cheshire Particle
Proven particle with pulling power.

Carp fishing in France with Angling Lines

Being carp anglers ourselves and after many years of enjoying carp fishing in france with angling lines we know what you need from a carp fishing holiday. Choosing the right French carp lake is very important – let's face it we don't get many holidays each year! We're proud of the carp fishing in France venues we're working with currently and we're sure we can find a carp fishing holiday to suit you.

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