Winter work at Villefond

This winter at Villefond is going to be a very busy time for us… here’s a brief outline of some of the improvements we will be making;

*   we are implementing a winter feeding program which we’ll increase as spring rolls around so that the excellent growth rates we’ve seen to date continue

*   whilst in the grip of winter we’ll attack some of the brambles that have crept in from around the edges and clear some of the bigger areas of brush while they lay dormant. Keeping them down during the growing seasons is a big job for us so this will help enormously… we are very proud of the appearance of our lake.

*   we will be widening the swims so they fit the larger bivvies more comfortably

*   we will be digging the feeder stream out.  It’s silted up & this has been restricting the flow a little.

Generally anything that needs attention we will be addressing during the following weeks making sure Lac Du Villefond is ever improving & creating the best atmosphere we can offer for you.


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