Winter Wonderland at Molyneux French Carp Lake

Like most of you in the UK, we have had our share of chilly snowy weather here at Molyneux over the last few days.  Thankfully we’ve not had the amounts of snow that seem to have covered large parts of Blighty, but it has certainly made life around the lake a little more difficult.

The water has been switched off at the mains for over a week now, in the hope we will not have the problems in the shower block that we suffered last spring.

The lake is frozen so the feeding program has had to be curtailed for the time being. Prior to the freeze the fish had remained active, especially after they have been fed.

Despite all the problems it brings, who can help but love the way that a blanket of snow transforms the landscape. It was also Rudie’s first sight of snow, and it was hilarious to watch him rolling and playing in the snow……

French carp lakes – Molyneux



2 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland at Molyneux French Carp Lake

  1. Steve says:

    that is MY pic of Darenth Big Lake UK

  2. Hi Steve, sorry, not sure what’s going on here, picture taken off now! We certainly wouldn’t knowingly use a picture of another lake.

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