Why Angling Lines?

“Why did you choose Angling Lines as the booking agent for your venue?”

As a lake owner it’s a question I get asked frequently, both by anglers and by fellow lake owners.

Well something happened this morning and although it is just one of many examples I could give, it sums up Angling Lines so well it prompted me to write this.

My guests this week are a young family. Dad’s been doing a bit of fishing as well as going out for day trips with mum and baby. They have made a last minute decision to extend their trip and visit Paris Disney on the way home. They wonder if it will be possible to change their return ferry from Saturday to the following Monday.

The volcano has left thousands of people stranded at airports all over Europe and the phone lines to all the ferry companies are jammed. “I’ll see what can be done,” said I. Not a cat’s chance in hell is what I was actually thinking though.

I call Angling Lines and Fran answers. “No problem. Leave it with me,” is her happy response. 4 hours later the new ferry time is booked and the family is off to Disney. It had taken Fran all morning to get through to the ferry company and I could hear the phones still ringing off the hook in the background when she called me back.

How different from the poor woman being interviewed on the TV news just a few moments before. Stuck in Brussels with her disabled son and elderly mother, abandoned by her airline on her way home from America.

That’s why I choose to work with the people at Angling Lines. They are simply the best and best of all, they care deeply about their customers.

Martin Barker


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