You’ve booked the perfect holiday – but will you get there?
I can’t begin to tell you how much I hate this topic! But once again I feel it really necessary to get this message out there.
This is not a sales tactic and I have to admit I have an inherent dislike of insurance companies. I pay a fortune out in my premiums year after year and really never seem to have to claim. So on my balance books, insurance companies simply win out every time. However, having seen how many problems can occur, I’m hastily ‘touching wood’, knowing I should be grateful I have not had to claim.

Action at Molyneux
But, and this is an enormous…BUT, my experience in this business has taught me that Insurance is important and should be high on the list of necessity before even a new bait boat or set of rods. Time after time I see instances where job losses, illness or even worse causes havoc and all at a time when people really could do without the stress and can least afford it.
The main parts regarding holiday insurance cover are as follows. So get your insurance and make sure the policy gives your group the cover it needs.
- Cancellation of the holiday in certain circumstances
- Medical expenses and repatriation if necessary
- Cover for tackle and theft (optional)
- Cover for additional costs if a disaster should happen.
Insurance can cover all these things so it needs to be taken around the time you book & not just before you are due to travel. The preconception that insurance is just in case you have medical expenses abroad is very flawed. The preconception that a problem rarely occurs and it will probably all be alright is also seriously flawed. I can cite countless instances where this belief has caused huge problems. Usually and very sadly when someone loses their job or becomes seriously ill and the holiday cannot be taken. The problem is not just for the individual concerned but the knock on effect for the whole group can be disastrous…
The problem is when you pay your deposit and reserve a holiday you enter into a contract. It means that if you default on taking the trip you may lose your deposits paid. We can’t simply say to a lake they won’t get paid because someone in the group fell ill etc.
Insurance is for unforeseen circumstances, it is important and when people book particularly in groups, a lot is taken on trust by the organiser, and so often it can all fall down.
Time and time again I see people get caught out… So don’t let it happen to you. You can get insurance anywhere now, even the main supermarket but here is a link to the company we deal with if you want to take a look.
Be insured and assured of a great trip!
Bridget Dawson, Sales Director.