Villefond is an 8 acre French lake, home to some colossal carp. Paul Griffiths and his group of 6 anglers visited the lake this September and Paul has kindly written this review.
As is often the case when travelling to France for Monster Carp we find that during the journey we all picture in our heads the best-case scenario usually involving us struggling to lift our P. Bs out of a picturesque scene. This is, after all why we spend the money and put in the time…. however, as we all know, if it was easy then every keen angler would be down there instead of staying in the U.K.

Villefond was no exception, on arrival we were greeted professionally & courteously by the owners who showed us around their stunning lake. I stepped away for a moment on the arrival tour to look and take in just what was in front of me……in this lake was something massive I thought…how can I get it?
As we picked our swims and set ourselves up for the first night, I chucked 2 rods out with single hook baits in the dark with no real idea of depths & features. Best thing I ever did! By the morning there were 2 new monster carp additions on my camera.

The lake itself was amazing, well looked after and it was obvious throughout that the owners were respectful of the fish, the wildlife, the pegs and the anglers. They had got the balance completely right (if you respect their fish and venue then they would do everything to help you land your dream Carp)

I had previously read a couple of negative reviews and have to say I did not witness anything that resembled or deserved such comments. I work in Outdoor Education so very familiar with what should be happening both for the customer and for the wellbeing of the Lake.
Half way through the week we were visited by Mark who was more than happy to show us his personal tips to us to ensure we gave ourselves the best chance…tips I might add that have taken him years to perfect.

In the end we all did well breaking my P.B Sturgeon, one of us even catching the colossal Arnold! Villefond was a hard lake no doubt but there are no guarantees in angling of this nature.
I think overall my advice would be stick to your spots, watch the water…be patient and listen to the owners…they have the balance just right! We should all treat our failures as graciously as our success…I sat for 4 days without a single bleep…but…when it did finally go…. boy did it go!

5 stars from us guys…if you’ve not been…and are reading this now…what are you waiting for…fortune favours the bold…Go for It…and Good luck.