The Latest from Vaumigny

A good week at 35 acre Vaumigny for angler Gareth Hayton. Here’s the latest feedback;

Holiday date: Sat 3rd May to Sat 10th May 2014
Name of customer: Gareth Hayton
Number of anglers: 2

Details of your catches: We fished swims 15 & 16, I had 25 takes, landing 13 carp up to 42lb, a sturgeon at 38lb and 3 large bream from swim 15.

My friend fished swim 16 and landed 4 carp up to 42lb and 2 catfish to 30lb and lost a handful.

Your best tactics/bait/rigs: I seemed to receive most action over just boilie tight to the back of the island, the more boilie I put in the more action I received.

Were the facilities what you expected? Yes, they were described as basic, which they were, but they were a lot better than I expected and very clean.
Were you happy with them? Yes

Would you recommend the venue to a friend? Absolutely, an untouched little gem!
Would you recommend our services to a friend? Absolutely, takes all the stress out of organising a French trip.

General comments: The lake and surroundings are absolutely stunning, the lake has many many large snags under and above the water and I found a boat is essential which can be hired for the week at the venue. It seemed we were quite lucky with the carp we landed as most of the other anglers seemed to land a lot of other species, catfish, sturgeon, bream, etc.

Carp Fishing in France at Vaumigny


Carp Fishing in France at Vaumigny


Carp Fishing in France at Vaumigny


For more information on Vaumigny follow the link – French Carp Fishing


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