Stocking Carp at the Bachelier Waters

The Bacheliers have been busy! Here’s our round-up of the nettings and stockings so far this winter…


The well respected Bachelier family own five of our venues – Jonchery, Jonchery #7, Brocard Small, Brocard Large and Brie. Whilst these venues are all unique in their own way, they also share something in common – the fantastic looking Bachelier strain of carp.

Each winter the lakes are netted and the stocks are checked. Small fry are removed and sometimes other homebred fish are introduced.  Here’s our highlights so far;

Brocard Small

Here are just a couple of the 44 carp newly introduced to Brocard Small last week. The carp that went in weighed up to 45lb. They’ll join stocks of around 450 carp (to mid fifties) and catfish (to 110lb) already residing in this 29 acre lake.

Brocard Small Carp Fishing France

A lovely scaley mirror

Brocard Small Carp Fishing France

…and a great linear too

Brocard Small Carp Fishing France

The venue drained down and in it’s winter colours.


The sun came out briefly during the netting at Jonchery. Bailiffs Mark & Franck managed to get photos of their personal favourites;

Jonchery carp fishing in france

Not the biggest in the lake but a contender for the prettiest

Jonchery carp fishing in france

Franck with a Jonchery common

Jonchery carp fishing in france

And another of the mirrors

 Brocard Large

And to finish it off here are a handful of the incredibly stunning carp we’ve seen at the Brocard Large netting this week.

Carp fishing France at Brocard Large

Not one but three lovely looking carp

Carp fishing France at Brocard Large

30lb+ mirror

To find out more about any of these carp lakes follow the link here –  Carp fishing in France


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