Spring Report From Laroussi

Mehdi, owner of the famous Laroussi and Old Oaks carp lakes, gives us an update on how our anglers have faired at Laroussi so far this season…

Fishing in March/April/May produced between 15 to 45 fish a week depending the weathers conditions.

April was excellent, with over 130 fish out, all conditions were fine, cloud/showers/low pressure, good wind direction and water temperature warming up quickly. May was up and down, with some very hot weeks up to 34°C, clear sky and almost no wind while some weeks met the right conditions and produced many fish.

laroussi carp lake france

Also, fish started to spawn a bit in April, a few days in may and a couple of days last week (5th of June)

As promised, we removed one sturgeon, so now there are only 4 left in the lake which is good, no anglers have had any excessive amounts of liners so far which we thought were caused by the large sturgeon in the lake.

Some big commons have come out, 3 over 50lb and a fair amount over 40lb. One beat the previous lake record by a few oz at 51lb4oz but the following week, the Famous Ghost common beat the Lake record again at 52lb14oz!

57lb14oz fully scaled carp laroussi
The Beautiful Fully scaled topped her maximum ever weight at 57lb14oz.

zip linear carp laroussi
The rare Zip Linear has been landed at 34lb.

A few catfish have been landed too, a big one out last week, bottomed the scales at 120lb and a good piece of his tail was still in the mat!  The monster one, rarely hooked, was caught last october after almost 2hr of an epic fight in the night. It was 8 feet long but was way too heavy to be weighed with a 120lb scale… The happy (and very tired) angler let it go quickly after the fight.

large grass carp laroussi
Some lucky anglers had a couple of big grass carp up to 51lb so far, a fair percentage of them were 40lb+.

Still waiting to see the world record tench out again… an albino white tench has been seen several times between april and now but never get caught. Never seen a white tench, that would make a special catch!


The last carp stocked have grown well, some of them weighing now over 35lb that’s about 15lb in 3 years.

Please, don’t forget to bring 120lb scales at least if you are visiting the lake soon – many carp, sturgeon and catfish keep bottoming the 60lb scales.  Five different sixties weighed all between 62lb2oz to 62lb10oz has been reported so far, some of them are way bigger than this but 60lb scale bottomed at the very max said 62lb ish…

Many many anglers have beat their Personal Best so far.

Tight Lines!

Find out more about Laroussi here – 
Carp Fishing in France


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