French weather to moon phases… some useful Websites

Here’s a list of the Websites we find ourselves recommending to people throughout the year;

For French weather forecasts we recommend Metcheck … here’s the French page. Incredibly accurate even 10 days or so before.

For route planning we recommend ViaMichelin Enter your start destination as the French ferry port you’re using & end destination as your venue, press calculate & you get a route – they’ll even tell you the toll charges & alternative routes to avoid them.  As a general rule we’d advise you to stick to the motorways etc… French B roads are a nightmare as they wind their way through umpteen country villages.  A great way to see France if you’re not in a hurry, but a nightmare if you want to get to your destination as quick as possible.  Well worth the tolls in our opinion.

For currency conversion we recommend XE

For moon phases we recommend MoonConnection. Not everyone believes that the moon phase can have an effect on fish behaviour… but a lot of very well respected anglers do.

For bait we recommend Quest Baits.  You’ll find Quest supplied on-site at many of the Angling Lines venues.

Here’s another article you might find useful it covers Google Maps & the like.

So there you have it – our list of the sites we use the most.  Please let us know if you have any & we’ll add them to our list.


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