See Your Swims – New Map Facility

Here in the office, we’ve been making a few changes to the website. We’re trying to make everything easier whilst keeping you super informed. By far one of our most exciting improvements is the new map facility on every venue’s home page.  In short, you can now see every individual swim on a lake in relation to others, with picture and description. You can also check the weather and cloud formations on the run up to your trip.

You can find these on every venue’s Lake Map. Particularly useful for the few venues where you have to pre-book your swim. I’ve used Castle Lake as an example below…

Castle Lake Map and Swims

Castle Lake swim explained

carp lake map

Once zoomed out a little, you can see an up to date weather report for each lake

Carp Lake Map

Zoom out even further and you can see the cloud formations for that day

Carp Fishing in France


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