Return to Boux Carp Lake – Field Testing Tales

Being a lake tester for Angling Lines does have its advantages; one has to be the chance of a return visit to one of the best venues in France, Domain de Boux.  I had previously visited Boux in June this year along with Ron Key, and despite a hard week we still managed fish to 45lb 7oz.


The 1st week in October was the date for this trip with my good friend Paul Brooks accompanying me for the week.  As usual I kept an eye on the weather and the conditions were not looking good with temperatures into the high twenties and high pressure forecast for the first part of the week. The best weather, cloud, rain and low pressure had been forecast for Thursday onwards with north Westerly winds.

45lb common carp


On my last visit I was totally unprepared for the invasion of Crayfish on my baited areas, so this time I was well prepared, and armed with meshing, boilie shrink tube, artificial baits and tiger nuts.


My choice of bait was a new boilie that Simon from Quality Baits had put together for Jim Kelly and I, which is to shortly released as HG42.  I have already tested the bait on my local lake back home with some astounding results.

To back up the 25 kilo of boilie that Paul and I had brought with us we had 20 kilo of well prepared hemp and a 20 kilo sack of carp pellet, along with some prepared tiger nuts from Quality Bait.

We arrived at Boux late on the Saturday morning to be greeted by Phillip, the estate manager.  Having deposited our bait in the chest freezer we made our way to the lake.   The temperature was now around 29 degrees and the water was like a mill pond with not a sign of life on the surface.

I knew the layout of the lake from my last visit so there was no need to plumb and lead the lake for its features. After around 2 hours of deliberation, Paul and I decided to settle down on two locations on the dam wall. I was fishing to the right of the lake and Paul down the centre and to the left. Continue reading the full article here…

Paul Cooper


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