Research, research… it pays off!

I often get ask by anglers when they arrive what are the best tactics to use, what bait catches the most, what fish are in the lake and all the other information we anglers like to know.   But of course once you are here it’s too late to pack that extra rod or bring that item of tackle and that’s why I always say to my guests please look at the Angling Lines Website as it’s full of good information… these are the things that I believe can make your holiday a much better one.

Speak to the ladies at Angling Lines before you book a venue – they know all the venues and can advise you on the best one for you based on what you tell them.

Once you have got your list of possible sites sit and read about the venue, read all the feedback, what’s in the local area in case you want to go out and about  – make sure it’s what you want and will be somewhere you’ll enjoy being at.

I can only speak for myself at Bletiere but I’m more than happy to phone you and talk about the venue, tactics and anything else that you wish to know; this is a great way for you to get first hand information and gives you a chance to make contact with the owner.

As the holiday gets closer start to look at the weekly feedbacks to see what bait is catching and what tactics are working – it helps you to know what to pack and what tackle to leave out.  I often get anglers arrive and say they didn’t realise that we have tench and crucians in the lake & wish they’d brought their float gear.  This is when looking at the site and speaking to the owner pays off.

When you arrive at the venue the first thing you want to do is unload the car and get fishing but please give yourself  some time to walk round the venue, talk to the owner and ask questions about the lake and what swims are best – this 30  minutes can make your stay much more productive.

I only want you to catch as many carp as you can so I will always help and advise you whenever I can.  Any advice I give is aimed at helping, I’m not here to try and sell you as much bait or tackle as I can.  In fact I often tell anglers to use less bait!  All I want, and most owners are the same I’m sure, is to see you enjoy yourselves.

Don’t be afraid to ask the owner for advice once you are set up.  We are here every day and see all sorts of anglers.  I know I still learn a lot from my guests and will always be happy to pass this knowledge on.

This is my home and I’m proud of what we have achieved and I will always help you to catch as much as possible and make your stay for you and your families as pleasant as possible.  So please if you book our venue don’t be afraid to make contact, I’m always happy y to help.

Just a few thoughts of mine and only based on our venue but I am sure most owners would feel the same.

Tight lines and I look forward to meeting you soon.


Fishing Holidays at Bletiere


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