Record Number of Fish Banked at Glehias

Adam and Stuart Sullivan had a phenomenal week of Specimen Carp fishing here last week at La Gléhias. They had a staggering total of 72 takes, of which they landed 52 fish with a colossal combined weight of 1288lb!

Having arrived Saturday afternoon, the first 24 hours started out a little slow. They weren’t too worried as they were hoping for a quiet first night to catch up on some sleep. However, by Monday morning the runs were coming thick and fast and by that evening they had already put 28 Carp in the net!

Tuesday was a bit of a joke really as both anglers were pretty much unable to get more than 1 rod out each nearly all day. No sooner had a second rod been boated out then the first would then tear off!

Glehias French Carp Fishing


The manic fishing continued until Thursday when we suspect a big batch of Cats came on the feed as Stuart was snapped off three times in one hour that afternoon. By the evening, the Carp decided to give the anglers a bit of a break and slowed up feeding.

At the start of the week, both Adam and Stuart were determined to fish every night here but by Thursday Stuart took the soft option and stayed up at the farmhouse to catch up on some sleep, and by Friday they both chose to sleep in proper beds away from the buzzers!

Glehias French Carp Fishing


Glehias French Carp Fishing


The catches included;
8 Carp 30lb+, 32 Carp 20lb+, 9 Doubles, 4 Singles,
3 Grass Carp,
1 Catfish

Every time I visited the lake there was either a fish being played in, being photographed or being put back, and on a couple of occasions there was a brace on the bank!

Well done lads, what can we say…..Incredible!!!!

P.S. Happy Birthday Adam! 🙂

Tracy & Lee
For more information on Glehias follow the link – French Carp Fishing


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