Record Breaking Week at Remieu

Tom Mckenna has just returned from a record breaking session on Remieu, a pretty little lake exclusive with accommodation just a stone’s throw from the lake. Here is his account of the week…

I have no idea where to start as this was just an amazing trip, but I will begin with the fishing as this is what most of you will be interested in.

So I will start with record number 1 – the total number of fish caught throughout the weeks trip was 47, I was going to list all fish caught but I think you would all get bored so I will give you the head line numbers.

Remieu fishing holiday with accommodation

33lb 1oz

Seven 30 pounders with the biggest being 34 lbs 10oz, four of the 30’s were Mirrors, one was a Common coming in at 32 lbs and two 30 pound Ghost carp (record number 2) new lake record Ghost Carp at 33lbs dead we have the honour to name her Orange Tail the pictures speaks for itself, she was last seen in the netting process coming in at approx. 25lbs and had not been seen since, which is amazing as we had her twice in the week.

Ten Commons were caught ranging from 32lbs to 22lbs

Seven Ghost’s were caught ranging from 33 lbs to 17lbs but an amazing sight with full skull masks and white backs, looked amazing in the net, especially the 33lbs one.

Twenty three Mirrors ranging from 34lbs 10oz to 17lbs.

Remieu carp fishing with accommodation

34lb 6oz

All the fish caught had pristine mouths with full skirting and fought all the way to the net (a word of warning they fight mostly at the net so be prepared for the this and have the clutch set right)

All fish were caught on Steamies Coconut and Orange Pop Ups and Wafers ( ) they absolutely loved the bait as you can tell by the captures and the records above speak for themselves, I am not going to tell you the rigs lol, but keep it simple and safe and you cant go wrong, don’t oversize the hooks because you are in France there is no need, all fish caught were mainly on a size 8, with some coming on a size 6 only because I was fishing a snowman set up.

Now onto the venue, as I took my wife and 5 year old daughter it was as important to me for them to enjoy themselves as it was to catch fish, and I can assure you the venue is amazing with the gite being a stones throw away from the lake, the wood fire heater, cooker, fridge freezer, washing machine and shower there is really nothing you need.

On arrival Sue and Kevin have already left a bottle or two of wine with coffee, bread and milk if you didn’t get a chance to go to the shops before you have arrived, as France is closed on a Sunday.

On a personal note both Kevin and Sue looked after my wife and daughter to such an extent they want to come back next year and I cannot convince them not to come lol, with evenings of wine drinking for my wife and allowing my daughter to feed their lovely Milly treats, so every evening before bed they all looked forward to their new routine.

In short, amazing fishing, amazing venue and both Kevin and Sue are both amazing hosts and people, you cannot go wrong at this venue.

Find out more about Remieu here – Carp Fishing Holidays


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