Quest launch their new boilie – Chilli Chocolate

Quest have just launched their new boilie for 2010 – Chilli Chocolate.  Shaun Harrison describes it;


Every once in a while you stumble across something in life which cannot be ignored! This is the case with our new Chilli Chocolate range.


I was working along a totally different theme when I uncovered some particularly interesting ingredients. They weren’t particularly suitable for the bait I was working on but curiosity got the better of me and I’ve incorporated the ingredients into a different bait altogether.  To cut a long story short, Quest Baits intended next arrival was put on hold as I started to experiment further with the Chilli Chocolate concept.


This bait really is different. Definitely very user (and missus) friendly in smell but once the carp start eating the bait the subtle fish meal and chilli kick starts to come through.



And here’s the best bit… we’re doing a special launch promotion so the price is almost 20% less than usual, a saving of £2 per kg.

Click here for more information.


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