Pop-ups seem to be the way forward at Villefond carp lake

Mark Lambert’s 39lb Villefond mirror
Recently a change seems to have taken place at Villefond.  Before the tactics that were the most productive and what I would have recommended would have been small beds of well placed bait. Now that seems to be changing and the most productive seems to now be a large bed of bait with a highly visible pop-up over the top.
To test the theory I spent the night, or rather 10 hours, up there. I fished over a bed of bait made up of around 15kg of mixed particle, maize and pellet and popped up two artificial maize about 2 inches off the bottom over the top.
A couple of hours later the method produced a 39lb mirror after a very long fight. Pop-ups and zig rigs seem to be catching the fish recently with the big beds of bait keeping them in the area and feeding so from here on in my advice and tactics will be changing to suit.
Mark Lambert, Villefond


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