Notaires Ends The Season On A High

The Crane fishing party have held records for both Alder and Notaires previously and have reclaimed the record for Notaires with Jon Vary’s 46lb 8oz mirror on their 5th annual visit…

Jon reported:- “I ended up with 750 lbs for the week it consisted of 16 20’s most of which were just under 30. I had 7 30’s to 37lb which was a great session all topped of by my pb and lake record of 46 lb 8oz which was an incredible fish and one i will never forget. Thanks so much again and hope to see you all soon, Jon”

Well done Jon.

carp fishing in France

Jon Vary with a new lake record

Set in its own 75 acre estate and accessible only by a private road Notaires is perfect for one to 3 anglers who want a lake exclusive to themselves with hard fighting carp, good facilities and food package available.

For more information on Notaires follow the link – Fishing Holidays with Accommodation


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