Molyneux Report to 7th May 2011…

Nigel’s 30.09 mirror

With Roy, and his party finishing breakfast, and starting the loading of the various vehicles, which begs the question, if you can fit it all in to come over, why is it always such a struggle to find room for the same gear, minus of course the bait for the return journey. Helen and I once again turned our attention to the week ahead and the party of five that had booked the lake exclusively, bait had been soaked the day before and was boiling away merrily. Swims tidied, showers and dining area cleaned, mopped etc.

The boys arrive…

The phone rang at approx 11am announcing the arrival of a lovely bunch of guys from the West country. Chris, Tony, Skip, Nigel and Alan.  Introductions, and cups of tea and coffee out of the way we wandered around the lake in gorgeous sunshine. We discussed the previous weeks catches, prime spots and going baits, and I could see the guys had fallen for the lakes undoubted charm. We are really so lucky to have such a stunning lake, people are genuinely blown away by the place as soon as they drive in the gate.

The guys had another cuppa, while we did the draw for swims. Chris was out first and decided on the double swim, Alan chose Barn swim, Skip dropped into Pines, Nigel fancied Social 1, leaving Tony who was last out to settle for Jacks, which he later told me was always going to be is first choice.

The week was similar in many ways to the previous one in that the fishing was not particularly easy. The fish were active enough and plenty of fish were seen jumping and rolling over baited areas. Nigel in the Social1 got off to a flyer, and was soon into fish. with a lovely 29lb Mirror to start him off.

As the week progressed it came to pass that Nigel was in the weeks hot spot. The far margin from his swim proving to be very productive. While the others picked off the odd fish here and there with Alan in the barn probably catching the best of the rest.

Nigel’s 35.03

Tony in Jacks, had fish in front of him repeatedly but struggled to get amongst them, he did have one absolute stunner of 27lb 8oz. Chris in the double swim managed one or two then moved into the cabin swim which proved a little more successful for him, giving him a few fish to mid twenties, and he finished the week off in style with a cracker of 39lb 8oz. Skip, found it hard all week, losing a good grass carp at the net and despite fish all over his baits at times, couldn’t buy a bite until the final night when he finally managed to land both a nice mirror and a grass carp. The star of the week was undoubtedly Nigel though who caught steadily during the week, finishing up with 19 fish to 35lb 3oz, The largest of which can be seen being landed in the Wally’s tour of Molyneux video clip available soon.

The video was taken thanks to Martin from Oakview Lake, the tour being the first part, with a comprehensive video experience of the lake to follow shortly.

Many Thanks Martin, it was a pleasure meeting you, and to be able to chat to a more experienced French Lake proprietor than ourselves over a lovely bottle or two of red.


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