Molyneux Report to 4th May 2013

James with a 40lb 8oz Mirror

Lake record grass carp caught & five new forty pound fish landed… Saturday morning and the phone rang bright and early, the Dawson party were at the Molyneux gate already!

I opened the gate and welcomed them back to the lake. I often say how good it is to see old faces back at the lake and this group are no exception. James, his father Richard, and friend Reece were back to fish again, and had brought with them Matt who was a non angler here for the social side of things. We put a cuppa in their hand and explained that we would be with them as soon as we had finished serving breakfast and had seen our previous weeks guests off.

Breakfast was served, our goodbyes were said and we waved off the previous weeks group. A short while later another of the week’s anglers arrived, Richard and his non angler girlfriend Shannon were welcomed and introduced to those already here. Not long after our final angler Nick arrived with his father Paul who was also a non angler.

The guys chose the swims that they would like to fish, and as Nick’s father was planning to disappear each day to play golf I insisted that Nick fish close to Nick who he knew from the UK, purely… read more here

For more information & catch reports from Molyneux follow the link – French carp lakes


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