Molyneux – Wally the bailiff’s report;

The Willows
With The swims ready and particle bait prepared, Helen and I quickly made sure that all our usual last minute checks were carried out and we were ready for the arrival of our exclusive booking for 8 anglers.
Sure enough a few minutes before 11am I noticed a car and van parked outside the main gate, so after asking Helen to put the kettle on for a welcoming cup of tea set off to open the gate.
The lads were a lovely bunch of guys, and were soon chatting about angling in general and of course the weeks fishing ahead. I told them a little about the lake and it’s inhabitants and we set off on an initial wander around. I showed them where we had regularly seen signs of fish and where previous captures had occurred. Talked them through each swim and the water it covered.
Once back at the kitchen I gave them the choice, being one party of choosing their swims amicably or alternatively we could do a draw. They chose to pick their own and soon they were off to relieve the packed van of it’s load into the relevant swims.
The first night the guys were understandably tired after their journey and I think it is fair to say that none of their minds were really on the task of catching fish. After a good feed and a few beers all most of them wanted to do was sleep. This did not stop Gaz in the barn swim landing a lovely 30lb 8oz pb fish in the early hours of Sunday morning. During the morning and to lunchtime a 27lb,er fell to Mark in the Stones, and Tim in the lodge swim managed a double at 25lb’s and 27lb 4oz respectively.
During Sunday night Dave in Jack’s opened his account with a nice 27lb 5oz mirror, and this was followed at 8.30am by Steve in the Social 2 swim with a 26lb fish.
That evening at approx 6pm Dave lost a very big Grassie after a prolonged tussle, he made up for it at 8pm with his second mirror in the shape of a stunning 38lb beast. Scott in the double swim wasn’t far behind as he landed a nice 36lb pb Mirror an hour later. A little after midnight Scott’s mate in the double swim Jon landed a lovely lump which weighed in at 41lb 7oz and was also a new pb. It seemed that the big girls were coming out to play. My feelings went out to Steve who fishing at long range managed by hook or by crook to lose four fish in the space of a few early morning hours. With that in mind we hid all the rope on the complex as we have far too many trees and understandably his state of mind was not good over the breakfast table once he heard the size of the fish coming out.
Tuesday lunchtime saw Dave land another carp at a weight of 38lb’s. the evening and subsequently the night that followed was much more overcast and as a result stayed warmer, the resulting captures blew everyone away. Dave in Jack’s landed his third 38lb mirror in 36hr’s at approx 7pm and followed this up with a cracking 39lb fish in the early hours. Tim caught a lovely 36lb fish and sadly lost another big fish. Gaz in the barn swim caught a 22lb common and a 28lb mirror within half an hour of each other. Steve after shortening his hooklinks made up for the mornings disaster by landing a brace of 29lb and 25lb mirrors and then at 9am caught a new pb in the shape of a 37lb 8oz monster.
Jay who was doubled up in the barn swim finally got off the mark with a lovely long 18lb common during Wednesday evening. His partner in the swim Gaz landed a 24lb mirror later that night.
Thursday night saw Tim strike again with a 26lb 4oz mirror, John in the double swim had a 28lb grass carp, and a 24lb 4oz mirror as well as losing one during the night. Steve bettered his new pb with a big old 39lb 15oz fish, how honest is that Fair play Steve. Mark in stones swim had a 23lb common, and also a new pb mirror of 32lb 8oz.
A good weeks angling and a great bunch of guys made for a very pleasurable week for all. Despite very warm sunny days with temperatures approx 27-28 degreess all week and quite chilly nights, the guys all caught fish. Out of 8 anglers 6 of them caught new pb’s. Dave had four fish over 38lb’s and was absolutely over the moon, hope the back gets better soon mate. By the end of the week the guys were almost like old friends rather than customers, and they have promised to book very soon for a return trip next year. It will be a pleasure to see them back again.