Late Winter Update from Molyneux French carp Lake

French Carp Lake in WinterMolyneux in its winter clothes

Well like most of Europe we are feeling the biting Siberian winds over here at Molyneux. Temperature today is -4 with a wind chill it is nearer -11… and after our wander around the lake this I can confirm that it is truly bloody cold.

Thankfully the lake is still liquid, though without the wind I doubt this would be the case. The skies are bright blue, and the lake is looking stunning.

I have taken some photos which I will post up shortly. Helen and I have been busy clearing branches brought down by the winds, and strimming and tidying, doing all the jobs that need doing around any lake at this time of year.

We are looking forward to the spring when anglers start to arrive, although there is a lot to be done between now and then.

No rest for the wicked  ðŸ™‚

Wally & Helen



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