Lady carp anglers – are we safe?

by Linda Latham,
Hi to all anglers, how safe am I out there?

I love relaxing by a lake side to carp fish but it is always a worry how safe am I!. Obviously during the day you pick a spot where you can see who is approaching and also be seen by other people passing. If you are on your own make contact with anglers in the next swim.

When trying a new lake out I always ask anglers already fishing where they are fishing to check what space is available and if they look approachable (but all mass murderers do!!) ask which are the safest places to fish and does the lake have any problems or a reputation. Iv’e heard too many horror stories, I know of some lakes where lads say don’t go unless you are in a group as they have a problem with being to close to main roads etc for easy access/getaway for opportunist thieves.  Tackle now days is not cheap and when you add up the cost to others you may as well just put your jewellery box on show.

Joining your local lake club and get to know the bailiffs/anglers you can soon find out when it’s safest to fish, how busy the water gets and times to avoid (they are always helpful also to glean info on the lakes way of fishing).  Clubs are great as the anglers know who else is in the group and are always giving tips and tactics for fishing the venue.

If like me you like to try different day ticket venues get to know the bailiffs and visit the lake at different times to see who’s there or not and check the surrounding area. Again chat to the anglers and get as much info as possible.

I have some angling friends who travel all over the UK visiting different lakes and it’s always  great when they call to see if I can get away to fish. Usually for a long weekend which saves any worry about visiting a new lake alone and also enables me to night fish. My friends think I am mad when I say this is the best part, bivvying out under the stars(any weather time of year) rods at the ready it’s the most relaxing/stress free time for me (and it’s not a time I want to worry if I am safe).

The next thing is what to take with you, I know of anglers who have knives/bars/tasers and other armament’s when fishing but I think these can be easily turned on yourself and would sooner not put myself in that position. A whistle to alert others that there may be a problem and a spray of some sort to give you time to get away can be helpful. I normally take my dog but she would lick any stranger person thinking she has someone else to play with!! (so not much help there) but people are wary of approaching dogs.  Looking through the magazines there are a large range of intruder alarms which may let you snooze a litte easier (let me know what you think) and also let other anglers know someone is about who perhaps should not be.

So to make a few points –

  • Check out lakes and talk to anglers.
  • Don’t hide away when fishing see and be seen.
  • Fish in groups, either with friends (can make a great weekend) or local anglers already fishing.
  • Don’t put yourself at risk, the fish will be there for another day.
  • Take your phone, tell friends where you are going and when you will be back.

I am looking for any other suggestions/methods to make angling stress free for both sexes.


4 thoughts on “Lady carp anglers – are we safe?

  1. Brie says:

    Certainly bothers me too. I now fish only in France where I have the accommodation and lake to myself. I wouldn’t feel secure enough elsewhere. It’s alright for those fishing with others but as the nights draw in it makes fishing on your own a huge risk. It doesn’t matter how nice a person seems, you just don’t know what they are really like.
    I’d say to always make sure that several people were watching out for you and not just rely on one!
    I expect though that not every angler wants to be asked ‘Can you keep an eye out for me if others approach my bivvie’ They have come fishing to relax get away from responsibility not take on more!

    Does anyone know of any good, securely fenced venues around in the midlands where you might feel safe?

  2. Linda Latham says:

    Hi Brie,

    If you log onto the (where you can get your licence on line) there is a section on ‘where to fish’. You can either download the section you are interested in (there are several which cover the country) or send off for the booklets. I have found these very good for information on different lakes wether they are club sites or just day ticket waters. They all cover general coarse fishing but carp are also listed so you can pick the ones in your area and give them a call, all numbers are supplied with names and a guide to what you can and can’t do on the site. Hope this helps 🙂


  3. Richie says:

    i know where ur coming from with this post it can even be like this for fella s , though to be fair we are better equipt to deal with these situ s and were nt so readily targeted , my advice would be to basically fish waters u know and with other anglers around , maybe joining a club , this will help as u will get to know members and get to know ur surroundings better . i would say only fish night s in company!

  4. linda says:

    Hi Richie,

    I have joined a couple of local clubs, one even has food delivered from the local take away!! Thanks for your comments. Regards Linda

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