Amanda Groves 54lb mirror
Amanda Groves certainly showed her male colleagues how to fish Laroussi on a recent trip landing 3 x 50lb+ carp in 24hours! Amanda takes up the story;
Arriving at this venue for the first time, we were all taken back by how lovely the lake and surroundings are. However, being the only girl amongst 6 male anglers, I knew I had my work cut out!
After we picked ours swims (I got La Pointe) I decided to let it rest until the evening. I then baited up a small beds of baits consisting of Laroussi partiblend and sweetcorn.

The first 52lb'er
My first rod went out and at 4am I landed a fantastic 54lb mirror beating my PB by 14lb… then my next rod came in at 52lb mirror followed by another 52lb… all in less than 24 hours. Not bad for a girl!
I went on to catch several more fish… a 48lb mirror, 24lb and 18lb grass carp and a couple of tench.
What a fantastic week we had as my fellow angler also had a 73lb lake record sturgeon , a 38lb mirror and a huge 62lb mirror!
Thank you Laroussi!
Amanda Groves
The second 52lb’er