What’s your PB? A 60lb carp, a 100lb sturgeon or perhaps even a 170lb catfish? At Vaumigny all this and more is possible. Vaumigny is a water that will test your skill, your tackle and your nerve!
It also holds enough big carp to ensure that you’re not waiting all week for that one special run. It’s not a runs water but multiple captures of twenties, thirties, forties and fifties are possible here providing you with arm wrenching action.
Every season provides more and more surprises as the fish maintain their terrific growth rates. The current lake record is 66lb 8oz and Franck the owner now only records carp captures over 44lb (20kg). Already established as one of France’s premiere big fish waters, Angling Lines are proud to announce that Vaumigny has re-joined them this year after a 10 year absence.
Take a look at the venue video below…
For more information and availability on Vaumigny follow the link – Fishing France