Introducing… Jonchery

Jonchery is a stunning 30 acre lake set in the heart of the Champagne region, created and run by the prominent fish farming Bachelier family.  This lake has a great reputation, stretching back many years, for offering superb carp fishing holidays…

47lb Carp at Jonchery Fishing Holidays

47lb – Mike Bowers

The lake is shaped like an Xmas stocking, with swim 5 tucked neatly on the dam wall at the toe end and the facilities at the opposite end close to the entrance and swim 1.  The lake bottom is fairly even, mainly silt, with an average depth of between 1.5 & 2m and is at its shallowest between swims 3 and 5.  One side of the lake affords plenty of shade and the other bank is much more open.

As you would expect in a lake run by fish farmers, Jonchery is a very well stocked lake, with around 300 big and healthy mirrors and commons up to 58lb, including an excellent head of 40lb+ carp.

However, what makes Jonchery really special is some of the tremendous scale patterns you’ll find on the carp.  From stunning linears to deep bodied fully scaled specimens, this lake contains some of the prettiest carp you’ll ever see.  This is because they were hand-picked for their beauty – take a look at the carp photos, you will know exactly what we mean. There are some exceptional Koi too, just to ring the changes.

Just take a look the venue video below…

For more information and availability on Jonchery follow the link – Fishing Holidays


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