Important notice re Gigantica bookings

As from winter 2011 Korda will now be taking bookings for Gigantica themselves.  Anyone who’s made a reservation for Gigantica for 2012 & beyond has already been written to and their details, along with any deposits paid, have been forwarded to Korda who will of course honour the bookings.

Here’s a message from Danny Fairbrass;

I would like to formerly advise all anglers that Gigantica bookings from November 2011 will now be processed direct through Gigantica UK on 01268 820440. UK staff that has fished Gigantica will be on hand from 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday to process bookings and offer advice on fishing Gigantica. You can e mail booking requests 24 hours a day to and we will respond during the next working day.


We have chosen to go direct for 2 reasons; firstly we have staff available at Korda HQ to man the phones, all these staff have fished the lake which offers customers a unique opportunity for advice as well a professional service. Secondly we hope to expand our portfolio of waters in Europe in the next 12 months and so will eventually be able to justify dedicated staff to handle bookings.


We have been more than satisfied with Angling Lines and thank them for the excellent service they have provided over the last 3 years. We have personally sent several ‘mystery shoppers’ to them over the years and they have always returned with glowing reports of AL. If our expansion plans do not come to fruition and we struggle to cope with bookings direct we shall not hesitate to come back to AL.


All details of provisional bookings will be passed from AL to us and we will give these people first priority over new enquiries. Keeping existing customers happy is both AL and our primary concern.


Once again thanks to Bridget, David and all the girls at AL, we wish you all the very best for the future.


Tight Lines, Danny Fairbrass



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