Based on my own fishing & observing guest anglers anglers here at Villefond the first thing I would say is it’s not an overly hard water and most tactics work. From experienced anglers, to some who would admit freely themselves they are not experts, have all done well! There are a few tips that seem to make a difference if only on those frustrating days where the fish seem to have deserted all desire to feed.
Firstly the obvious, hiding the rigs; by this I mean enlisting the help of flying back leads and regular back leads. They are unrivalled for pinning the line to the bottom reducing fish spooking especially crucial in the margins (which are also a great place to try at Villefond) and shallow water.

39lb September 2009 carp from Villefond
Another tip would be bait placement; well positioned bait with a hand full of freebies tends to out fish a large bed of bait. For this the use of a bait boat can make your life much easier.
Finally the bait; as mentioned it’s not a hard water so most baits work but the fish are fed all winter on a pellet/maize diet and they sometimes key in on these baits when other tactics aren’t producing the big catches.
Happy fishing, Mark