Here’s our top 5 tips on getting the best value out of your ferry crossing…
It’s cheaper to take a car and trailer than 2 cars
- A minibus doesn’t cost much more than a car
- Booking additional height (above 1.7m) costs very little more. But it must be booked in advance so if your bedchairs etc. will fit on the roof rack – why not! (PS it’s very important they are secure though if you are stopping off at motorway services- so either don’t leave the vehicle unattended or use a secure top box)
- Sounds simple… but do a dry run to check all your tackle will fit in the vehicle. And remember the kitchen sink is often supplied at the venues so no need to take your own!
- If you’re short on space talk to the lake owners and reserve your bait or maybe hire large items like bed chairs from the lake in advance, it can save you a lot of room.
All our trips are booked including the ferry crossings which we arrange for you, if you’re wanting advice on the cheapest crossing for your chosen Angling Lines venue just give us a call on 01773 590077