Gigantica carp lake – a few questions…

Hi Danny,

If you have a moment or two free I’d like to ask a few questions about your lake in France, Gigantica.  My name is Kevin and I live about ten minutes drive from Blackpool in Lancashire.  I’ve been course fishing for around 28 years now but moved over to carping when I was about twelve years of age.

I’ve always wanted to go to France for a week or two’s carping but only when I’ve caught a 30Ib’er from England.  Sadly this has still yet to happen as the number of “big fish waters” located near me are very few and far between.  My current PB stands at 25Ib and has stood since May 2004.  This was caught from the River Lake at Wyreside Lakes, Forton near Lancaster.

Recently I had a rather nasty fall of a ladder at work which resulted in a smashed left heal bone, an operation to try and fix it and many months of non weight bearing.  I’m only three months into the healing process but I’m hoping I’ll be back “up and running” before October/November this year.  My foot will never be the same again and in the future I will require a fusion operation as walking will become to painful.  With this in mind I have decided to take the plunge and go to France next year for a week as life is just too short.

My first question is: where abouts in France is your Gigantica lake and is it within driving distance from where I live ?  I’m not to fussed if it takes me a while to get there but I would like to go fishing with all of my own gear.

Is it possible to buy a Garmin/TomTom sat nav and it lead me to the door step if a “drive and survive” package is available ?  Maps were never my strong point.

Finally I make from scratch all of my own baits and have done for many years now.  What size boilie would you say is correct for your water ?  I ask because I don’t want to roll X amount of bait in say 16mm only to find I’m being pestered by Roach, Bream etc as is sometime the case on some of the waters I fish around me.

Thank you for your help and I look forward to your reply.  If you don’t reply, I’ll not take it to heart as I know your a very busy person and probably won’t have much free time.

Kind regards, Kevin


Thanks for the enquiry. To answer your questions….

I can give you the Sat Nav details to get you too the gate, its a very easy run from Calais, under 250 miles from the port, 2 roads and takes 3.5 hours.

Bait wise, I’d bring larger, than smaller. we sell 20mm boilies  generally here, I do use smaller but a percentage of the smaller baits are eaten by bream, which we have been actively removing for several years now so they have had less of an impact than previously. I like, and prefer to use larger hookbaits and have caught very very well here on 22, 24 & 26mmboilies so dont be afraid to experiment. For a starter, 20mm would be my starting point.

One point I will raise, something I bring up too all perspective clients. Gigantica is NOT an easy water by any stretch of the imagination. Many angler blank,an average week for most would be 1-2 fish throughout the week. However, if you fish well, you can catch very well, as per any lake. Precision fishing and the correct baiting is the key. We are certainly not a runs type water, we have very specific rules regarding the fishing, the boats and of course, our fish.

I hope this has answered the majority of your questions but feel free to contact me at anytime should you require further information.

Ilook forward to possibly meeting you in the near future.

Danny Turley,Gigantica Fishery Manager.
Gigantica-carp ltd.
0033 672221535


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