Foolproof way of re-loading your reels with line

Unfortunately for us, the angler, the line we buy is loaded in different ways and what works with one make of line doesn’t necessarily work with another make of line.

The only fool proof way of loading line without twist that I have found is the method I use myself and works with every type of line I have ever worked with.

I use the butt section of a carp rod and thread the line through the butt guide before tying or taping to the spool. This depends upon the breaking strain being loaded. If on the heavy side I prefer to tape it in place to avoid the bulky knot throwing a few of the early turns of line out of synch’.

I then drop the line spool in a bucket of hot water. The reason for the hot water is that all makes of line have what appears to be a oily coating which keeps the line buoyant longer than I would like. The warm water helps to break this down and also appears to soften most lines which makes for better bedding down and line lay.

How to re spool your reels - carp fishing

About to re-spool

Whilst on this subject and everyone being so obsessed these days on getting their line to sink and anchor down I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw someone squirting diluted washing up liquid onto their spools. This used to be common practice in the old free lining days to help save dragging the bait back too far whilst sinking the line. A warm soapy bucket of water should give you a nice sinking line.

Sorry, I got a little side tracked there as I usually do whilst rambling on about whatever comes to mind. If I don’t write it as I think it or indeed say it when in conversation it slips back under some flap of brain never to be released again for many years to come. My short term memory is atrocious but I find I can remember a lot from the past. I like to kid myself that my brain is like a computer. Packed full of knowledge but now too full to take any more on!

Whoops, side tracked now from my side tracking! Where were we? Ah yes, filling your spools up.

How to re spool your reels - carp fishing

Line fed out over and around anything that seems convenient

Once the line is in water, threaded through the butt guide and attached to the reel spool I start the winding process making the spool revolve in the water like a turning wheel. I trap the line high up the rod with a small piece of cloth which helps to clean the line whilst loading and simply continue to wind until the reel is as full as I need it. If you need to stop winding at any stage slow the winding down first or you may end up with one massive birds nest to try and sort out.

Once you have cut the line at the desired length you are only half way through the loading method I use.

With nothing attached to the end of the line I walk the end out for as far as I am likely to be casting. Depending upon the room you have in your garden you may need to do this whilst fishing or even on a local playing field. I put bank sticks in my garden and zig zag a few times until the desired amount of line is out. It is then a simple case of walking back to the rod and reeling the line back onto the reel under the tension of the damp cloth used earlier.

You will see by employing this double loading system that every last twist of line which may have been left in the line from spooling up in the first place will clearly be seen twisting out as you wind the line back onto the reel. Perfect line lay every time.

It may look as though it is a lot of effort to go to but it is certainly the only method of line loading I have found to be foolproof with any make of nylon and is the only method I would ever consider using for my own reels.

Best fishes
Shaun Harrison.


6 thoughts on “Foolproof way of re-loading your reels with line”

  1. Shaun Harrison says:

    A few facebook comments

    Neil Cobley Most line is spooled on in a clockwise motion at the factory. If you let it come off the spool in an anti clockwise motion- rather than letting the spool spin it imparts no line twist
    1 hr · Like

    Shaun Harrison Angler Line is wound on differently from different manufacturers. Used to have around 20 different makes of line in stock and you wouldn’t believe how many customers used to bring their reels in for loading. You couldn’t load all the same way. what I have written is the most foolproof way of totally avoiding twist being wound into the line.
    1 hr · Like

    Neil Cobley Just basing it on advice passed to me by Richard Gardner and Terry Eustace
    1 hr · Like

    Andrew Parry Great blog Shaun very interesting!!!
    1 hr · Like

    Kevin Stapley Good tip Shaun i will give it a go next time i need to reload.
    29 mins · Like

    Umberto Martire great!
    23 mins · Like

    Adam Harris Ben if one follows the re pooling instructions to the letter can a cheap reel cause line to re twist over time? I’ve spooled my reels very carefully and after three trips they are impossible. Need help.
    23 mins · Like

    Shaun Harrison Angler Playing fish off the clutch, getting fast takes on a bait runner or anything else that spins the spool will give you twist.
    Simple enough job to remove it. Cut everything off the end of your line, walk it out up the bank with your bale arm open. Then walk back to the rod and wind the line back under tension. This will remove the twist again.
    It will also help if you tie the line to a post and give it a bit of a stretch as well once you have got the twist out of it.
    P.S. who is Ben?
    6 mins · Like

    Chris JR Wilson Martin What make of main line is that Shaun great article again
    1 min · Like

    Shaun Harrison Angler P-Line Extrusion. I have used the same for years. Not found anything else as robust that casts so well.
    48 secs · Like

  2. Shaun Harrison says:

    Just a few more comments from my page, they don’t seem to want to comment on the original one here.

    Chris JR Wilson Martin Cheers Shaun might give it a blast after a new main line to try in France this year
    22 hours ago · Like

    Adam Harris I don’t know why that says Ben at the beginning! I dropped my phone and I can’t see the left portion of the screen. Thanks for the tips.
    22 hours ago · Unlike · 1

    Shaun Harrison Angler The 0.35 mm that is usually sold by most as 15 lb line is what I usually use – The Extrusion 0.35 mm breaks consistently between 20 and 21 lb with a Palomar knot. Slightly less with a Grinner.

    Palomar Knot | How to tie the Palomar Knot | Fishing Knots
    Palomar Knot Tying Animation (fishing)
    22 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview

    Duncan Smit Do you have a video that shows what your telling in this blog Shaun?
    19 hours ago · Edited · Like

    Shaun Harrison Angler No, sorry Duncan, I have never filmed that. Perhaps one for the list for the future.
    19 hours ago · Like

    Duncan Smit I think it’s a good idea because a lot of people still doing it the wrong way. They use a bankstick to put thru the spool with line and then wind it on the reel.
    18 hours ago · Like

    Duncan Smit I put the spool in a bucket with water and the wind it on the reel and watch the twist on the line and turn the spool if the twists become more.
    18 hours ago · Like
    Shaun Harrison Angler

  3. alan hawkes says:

    HI shaun where would i purcase this line

  4. Billy says:

    Just great for beach fishing I use a drilled hockey ball with a large swivel on then walk down the beach as far as I can the extra weight and the large swivel takes the twist out and beds the line in ideal for casting 6oz with a 80lb leader to a bimini twist to 15lb line works every time also going at low tide I can see where the best place to fish and the distance to them.
    Doncaster South Yorkshire

  5. Dean says:

    I use a spin Dr cheap enough and keeps my line nice neat and supple. One other thing I wet my spool every time I fish , this helps as the line doesn’t dry out also a sweatband is keeps the line damp between sessions.

  6. Malcolm chaplin says:

    Great read thanks

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