First time fishing in France…

Question from Steve Sayers;

Looking forward to fishing Boux in April 2010.  It will be my 1st French trip… so not sure what to expect.  Any advice on rigs or presentations would be really helpful for a virgin French carper!

Hi Steve,

Simply fish in exactly the same way as you do here in the UK.

So many anglers are successful here on their local waters then travel to France and totally change the way they fish and start to use methods alien to them which loses the angler a lot of confidence if the methods don’t start to work straight away.

Stick with what you know. Carp have very similar habits in every corner of the world. Certainly check what the bailiff advises and possibly try a rod fishing his methods but so often on many waters the ‘new face’ catches a lot of fish simply because he/she isn’t doing the same as everyone else.

Hope this helps.

Regards, David


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