Developing A Carp Lake – Decked Swims Under Way

Lee & Tracy have been developing great additions to the Glehias lakes. In 2014 they completed the wonderful floating cabin and now they’re paying particular attention to the swims on the lake…

Last winter, over a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows, we discussed what lake projects and general maintenance projects would take priority this year. Due to water erosion, heavy foot traffic, and possibly nesting catfish, the bank along Willow Walk made it to the top of the list.

This season we envisage installing six decked pontoon swims along Willow Walk, extending around four feet out onto the lake, plus three possibly four smaller pontoons along the Dam Wall. This should not only shore up and extend the life of the banks, but give anglers more casting room and increase bivvy space. Also, over time, the banks have become more inclined and the new swims should lessen the risk of anglers slipping in when landing heavy fish.

owning and running a french carp lake

The Frames were lowered into a cutout in the bank and the boat carried the front. After the posts and stakes were driven in the boat could be removed.

The area most in need of attention was along from the Gate Corner, and we completed the first two decked swims last weekend. We will endeavour to have all swims completed by the end of this season, but obviously work can only go on while the lake is free of anglers so this will ultimately decide the rate of progress.

building swims on a carp lake

Planking under way.

Each pontoon on Willow Walk will be approximately three meters by two, and will have a slight raised lip around the outer perimeter to stop anything easily slipping into the lake. The Dam wall swims will be around three meters by one and a half. The pontoons will only jut out over the lake by about a meter and this should make casting around marginal trees easier. It will also feel more balanced having decked pontoons along both fishing banks.

owning and running a french carp lake

Backfilled with stone and earth and then seeded and planted. In time the planting should make the swims look fantastic.

Careful attention is also being given to the planting surrounding each swim as it is built. So far, we have planted more Lily-pads as not only are they pretty but anglers will have a feature to fish to at close quarters if they wish. While the planting will take a little time to take a hold and mature, we believe all these little attentions to detail will be worth it as it should all look fantastic over time.

The lake is offering 20% off between 30th April-13th May and also 20% on week commencing 21st May. For more information follow the link – French carp fishing 


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