Glehias Carp Lake have begun work on the Floating Island Cabin in readiness of the 2014 Season, here’s the latest update from Lee…
First of all, we would like to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody!
Over the Christmas period I managed to get about five days on the build. The first thing to get finished up was all the external joinery, this meant a couple of days in the workshop on the windows, door and frame and then giving it all five coats of exterior varnish while it was all on the bench.
After all the joinery was fitted into the framework, the shiplap could commence. I always knew this was going to be painfully slow as no two planks are cut the same anywhere on the cabin; what I hadn’t allowed for was continuous heavy rain and strong wind throughout the three days of cladding so far. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get any power tools out to speed things along a bit, mainly the jigsaw to cut the planks around the windows which I am dying to see finished.
I know this what you get when you build outside in the winter, but I’m really really looking forward to getting the project in the dry now!



At last, after what feels like an eternity out in this crappy weather (only two weekends really!) the shiplap was finished. The only bit of shiplap left to fix is in the making of the gas cupboard door. I have to say I have built many timber framed houses over the years and have never come across cladding so slow to put up, due to all the walls being angled, almost every single piece of shiplap had to be measured and cut for a specific place. Well, I’ve only got myself to blame. That is how I designed it!


Next on the list is hanging the front door and glazing the windows and then the weather will be shut out for good. Guttering, decking and handrail post can be left until finer weather!
Once I am happy the interior can be kept bone dry, I will run the main gas feed from the gas cupboard through the floor joists to the kitchen area and then the interior floor can be laid. It will be nice to finally walk on a flat surface in the cabin! I’ll keep you posted.
For more information on Glehias follow the link – French Carp Fishing