Buying a carp lake in France… Pt. 1

We moved to France 3 years ago now and found our small piece of heaven, La Bletiere.  We teamed up with Angling Lines and so life as a commercial carp venue started.But how did we get here?When we have guests fishing here, other than the obvious questions about tactics, the question asked most often is how […]

Buying a carp lake in France – a few pointers…

Continuing our series of posts from lake owners detailing their experiences of moving to France & buying a carp lake here’s a post from Andrew, the owner of Molyneux ; Learning French Maybe a strange topic for venue management but if you’re living in France it’s goes without saying how important it is speak the […]

Buying and running a carp lake in France

Here at the Angling Lines office we get lots of potential lake owners come to us for advice as they consider the pro’s & con’s of fulfilling every carp anglers dream – buying their own carp lake.  We’re always happy to advise based on our 10 years experience in marketing carp venues… but we lack […]

Carp Lake Management – Using Lime

David writes;  I had this Email sent to me by a French lake owner today… I thought I’d pass it on so other lake owners could either benefit or comment; ‘I recently had a meeting with a recognised fishery expert and we had a very interesting conversation about the use of lime. It is already […]

Another 55 carp stocked at Lillypool

Following on from the 33 grass carp stocked in September 2009, Santa came and emptied his sack early at Lillypool in the form of Michel and Laurent Bigot and their fish farming team. On 18th December 2009 a further 55 carp were stocked, slightly more than was promised but we just couldn’t resist as they […]