Looking for a carp runs water?

Alan Bigot introducing one of the new stockies Following on from the introduction of the 51 lb mirror at Lillypool, the lads have gone mad and put in yet more fish in for your enjoyment. Yes, I did say more fish added to the already impressive head of carp.  This should really help guarantee even […]

More carp stocked at Villefond French carp lake

The carp arrive! Yesterday, January 12th, Villefond received an additional batch of carp from fish farmer Michel Bigot.  These fish are all young fast growing carp that will help boost the run rate still further on this prolific venue. The weight (in lb’s) of the fish that were stocked was; 5 x commons; 27, 26, 22, 21, 20, 18 14 x […]

20 young grass carp introduced to control weed

One of the young Grassies – held by big Emerique!   Weed can be an amazing thing – when we first bought Joy Lake two and a half years ago we had almost no surface pondweed. Last summer it appeared and began to spread the more we tried to control it.       Whilst […]

A controlled feeding program for carp stock pools

Many fish farmers are aware of the benefits of having a controlled fish feeding program across their stock pools. Feeding a quality pellet little and often has been proven to return a better feed conversion ratio. This is the relationship between the weight gained by the fish and the amount of food fed. This ratio […]

Emptying & re-filling a carp lake

Here’s the experience of the Joy Lake owners, Neil & Caroline Surely a simple question of pulling out the plug and then letting nature fill it up again? But what do you do when you have no ‘spring-fed’ water source into your lake? Waiting for the rain to fill it up would take months, so […]

Why Angling Lines?

“Why did you choose Angling Lines as the booking agent for your venue?” As a lake owner it’s a question I get asked frequently, both by anglers and by fellow lake owners. Well something happened this morning and although it is just one of many examples I could give, it sums up Angling Lines so […]

Owning a French carp fishery… but living in England

After looking for many years for the right place we finally found it at Watersmeet. Our problem was always going to be the fact that we would be owners not living in France, so our choice had to be somewhere we could get to for a long weekend, otherwise it wouldn’t work. We run a […]

The benefits of regular netting of carp lakes

Having had Genets netted recently I thought I would put together a few words from my own point of view on the importance as part of ongoing fishery management to carrying out regular netting. We first had the lake netted in Oct 2006 to remove the bulk of the silverfish when nearly a ton & […]

Buying a carp lake in France… pt.3

John & Lesley London of Bletiere continue their very popular series on fulfilling every carp anglers dream. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Well hopefully you have now moved into your new home and are sitting there with plans going through your head about opening for business.  Well I am afraid unless you […]

Carp venue management – aeration equipment

When the long hot days of summer finally do arrive the carp can suffer due to lack of oxygen.  Here we showcase a company who have worked with a number of French fisheries to help combat the problem; Aquaculture Equipment Ltd We are manufacturers and suppliers of fish farming, fish keeping and lake aeration equipment. […]

Dealing with weed in a carp lake

By Andrew, the owner of Molyneux lake; Weed is not particularly desirable in large amounts in a carp lake for 2 reasons – it’s difficult for anglers to deal with when fishing and it can have a negative effect on the eco-system. Phytoplankton and weed are in direct competition with each other in a lake, […]

Must a carp lake be cleaned before I can buy it?

I am thinking about buying a property with three lakes in the Mont De Blond area of France. The current owner says that it’s French law that the lakes have to be cleaned at a cost of 20,000 euros before he can sell the property. Can you confirm if this is the case and how […]

Buying a carp lake in France… pt.2

Part 2 of John London’s article describing his experiences of buying Bletiere – you can read part one here. After all the excitement of finding your dream new home in France, complete with a lake to die for, the hard part now starts… and that’s the paper work in France.  It’s a killer and there’s […]

21 x 30lb+ carp are stocked into Mas Bas

March 1st, 2010 The aim of this years re stocking at Mas Bas was to increase the numbers of 30’s. Gilles went up to the fish farmer at La Brenne in the west of France and picked 21 beautiful mirror carp, all between 30 and 35lb. As you can see from the photos they are […]

Sapphire gets more carp stock

This 2 day stocking operation (26/27 January) at Sapphire saw 230 carp added to the existing stock. As always with our Bigot venues the numbers were impressive with 125 x 20lb+ and 80 x 30lb+ carp making up the bulk of the delivery. The 8 x 40lb+ provided the cream, with 2 of these already […]

Lillypool gets additional carp

Here’s the short video clip of the recent additional stocking at Lillypool. To recap; on 18th December 2009 a further 55 carp were stocked.  Six of the fish were just under 20lbs with the rest ranging from 20 to 30lb, the average weight being 24lb 10oz, and the biggest being 29lb 5oz with two lovely commons […]