10 Best Small Exclusive Carp Lakes in France For 2/3 Anglers

Sometimes it’s nice not to be bothered by other anglers. We get it. Here are ten of our small exclusive carp lakes in France that are perfect for just 2 or 3 anglers to share exclusively; Jonchery 7 This 5 acre lake is incredibly peaceful, set close to the dam wall of the Lac d’Orient. This […]

Four Carp Fishing Venues For The Summer Holidays

If you’re looking for a family holiday this summer with some carp fishing included then take a look at the following four French carp fishing lakes. All have a week or two still available in the summer holidays this year and offer great fishing, accommodation and facilities for all the family.

Buying Particle Baits in France

Translation to help with particle baits… Most Angling Lines venues will be happy to prepare particles for you and then have them waiting for you when you arrive, as I do here at Bletiere.  but  if your booked venue doesn’t offer this service then this will help you buy particle baits in the shops over […]

Research, research… it pays off!

I often get ask by anglers when they arrive what are the best tactics to use, what bait catches the most, what fish are in the lake and all the other information we anglers like to know.   But of course once you are here it’s too late to pack that extra rod or bring that […]

Do You Feed Your Carp In The Winter?

“Do you feed your carp in winter?” I often get asked this by guests taking their fishing holidays here at Bletiere – with what and when do I feed the carp, especially in the winter, and how do I know how much to put in? Luckily I had a lot of experience in the uk before […]