New carp record at Gigantica – 75lb

Barry with The Giant @ 75lb !! This week’s Gigantica report from Danny Turtle; WOW, what a week. By far the funniest and amusing weeks fishing and socializing we’ve had all year. We had the first part of a 2 weeks filming here at Gigantica so only 6 clients but what a bunch of reprobates! All from […]

Monster Laroussi mirror carp for 15 year old Chris Tsourou

69.12 Laroussi mirror for 15 year old Chris Tsourou We reached Laroussi on the 24the July 2010.  The weather was very hot so we set all our kit out and got comfortable before we even considered casting any lines.  After marking out our spots we began baiting with the Hemp, Laroussi party mix and four different types of hook […]

April fools day mirror of 71lb 12oz is no joke!

71lb 12oz Laroussi Mirror The early weeks of the season always produce big fish at Laroussi & 2010 was no different.  The lucky angler this time was Paul Cummings, 44, from Stoke on Trent, who took this magnificent mirror of 71lb 12oz.  It was caught from Le Chene peg at 10.20pm on Thursday, 1st April.  […]

72lb monster carp – the Giant @ Gigantica

October 2009 Danny Fairbrass lands Gigantica’s largest resident – the Giant at 72lb. He’d already had several 40’s and a 50 before catching the Giant on his final night. Just look at the size of this magnificent creature!

World Record Carp – 94lb!

Here it is Martin Locke’s World Record 94lb mirror caught at Rainbow Lake last week. I must say it is looking in great shape at the moment and possibly doesn’t look 94lb because we are so used to seeing carp pushed out towards the camera. However if you check the size of Martin’s hands then […]

75lb carp from Laroussi!

I caught this monster at Laroussi on 15th November in swim La Plage. I was fishing 65 yards to my right into open water and at about 1 am Sunday morning had a slow take.  40 minutes later and this monster came into my net! I could not believe the size of this carp, I […]

70lb carp marks opening week at Laroussi!

The Angling Lines venue Laroussi starts every year with a bang… and this year’s been no exception with a rake of big fish captures topped by the new lake record mirror “Big Cheeks” at 70lb 2oz. The monster mirror was caught by Jason Baker from Exeter on April 1st – and it certainly wasn’t an […]