Beaurepaire Carp Record Broken with a 54lb Mirror

  54lb – the new venue record Tony & Anne Larkin fished Beaurepaire w/c 11th August & Anne broke the venue record with this stunning 54lb mirror.  They caught a total of 22 carp plus catfish using a variety of different baits including Quest Baits, Poacher baits & Dynamite. Angling Holidays at Beaurepaire

Beaurepaire – A Coming of Age

53lb Beaurepaire was born in 2005 , 7 years ago and the big decision that faced Bernard at the time was how to stock the lake.  He could obviously go for smaller numbers and bigger carp and stock additional fish along the way or start the lake in it’s infancy with good quality smaller carp, […]

3 x 50’s in one week from Beaurepaire

Phil Belton with the 53lb Beaurepaire lake record Colin Ventons group had a great session at Beaurepaire 21st to 28th April 2012. Battling gale force winds and torrential rain, the guys caught 3 different 50’s including a new lake record of 53lb. Sadly, for some of the guys, an unexpected illness sent 4 of them […]

Old Oaks – New Lake Record Common of 57lb

57lb common Only the week after the lake mirror record was smashed with a 57lb carp the next group of anglers have managed to break the Lake record for a Common Carp with Gary Gordons capture at 51lb 06oz. This is an amazing start to the season for Old Oaks with this being the fifth […]

How The 70lb’er Was Caught At Laroussi

70.06 Now, we can’t really tell you how to fish Laroussi per say, but I can tell you what Andrew Redfearn and myself did when we fished there the last week in March 2012, when our results certainly surpassed our expectations! Which swim? We were lucky enough to be 2 of 4 anglers on the lake […]

Two 50lb+ Carp Set Records at Sapphire

53.06 Chris Carr, fishing at Sapphire this week with his two mates, has taken two lake records with; *   50lb 3oz Mirror on Tuesday 3rd April *   53lb 6oz Common on Wednesday 4th April …. the first two 50’s to be caught at Sapphire. His mates Gary Brown and Lee Berry both smashed their PB’s as well, […]

Lake Record Smashed at Old Oaks!

57lb – the new Old Oaks record! Dave Dodds is already living the dream at Old Oaks and he’s only 3 days into his holiday!  First time in France & he’s already caught 9 carp – all within 36 hours! All mirrors, weights as follows; 35lb, 42lb, 33lb, 32lb, 47lb, 33lb, 23lb, 42lb … and […]

50lb common is highlight of great week at Old Oaks

Jason Fillingham & his cousin had a good week on Old Oaks taking a 50lb common, 40lb mirror, 7 x 30’s and 3 x 20’s. His comments; ” We only had 1 fish at night.  It was very cold & the fish are still not switched on properly… but a great week.  As usual the far […]

72lb Mirror Carp from Laroussi

72lb Chris Griffiths had a fantastic opening week at Laroussi banking a stunning 72lb mirror plus back-up fish of 47, 38, 48, 45, 40, 25 plus a common of 25lb. More details here. Carp Fishing in France at Laroussi

Villefond’s big 5 carp list

It has been a real pleasure to watch Villefonds fish grow into some real monsters and it has been discussed for a long time about which fish are going to be the next biggest caught so I decided to compile a list detailing the top 5 to date, as at January 2012; 1.  BIG JOHN […]

Over 30 different 40lb+ carp identified at Villefond in 2011!

Big John The 2011 season at Villefond has seen some really amazing fish and some really interesting characters on our banks. The lake was pretty solidly booked all year and despite the big problem in some areas of France from the lack of rain, our lake still exceeded all expectations. The lake experienced the full […]

Fantastic winter fishing at Old Oaks!

50.10 Kevin Hosie has just enjoyed (w/c 26th November 2011) a fantastic winter carp session at Old Oaks.  He had 24 carp… biggest a 50lb 10oz common plus; *  9 x 40’s *  10 x 30’s *  4 x 20’s Now that’s not bad for December!

2 x 50lb+ mirror carp from Boux

49.14 Here’s Paul Cooper’s results from his Boux session w/c 22nd Oct 2011; 27 carp which incuded mirrors of 51lb 11oz, 50lb 4oz, 49lb 14oz, 49lb 3oz, 31lb 12oz, 34lb 8oz, 35lb 15oz, 31lb 10oz, 36lb 10oz, 31lb 3oz, 31lb 1oz, 33lb 1oz and 30lb 1oz, one 30lb common with the rest being mostly upper twenties. Here’s his […]

Paul bags his second 50lb+ carp of the week at Boux!

46.09 – one of Paul’s carp from a session on Boux earlier this month Paul Cooper is fishing Boux this week & having a great session. We’ve just heard he’s bagged his second 50 of the week at 50lb 11oz. So far (Friday morning, Oct 28th) he’s had 27 fish, including; *  2 x 50’s * […]