Video Diary – preparing for a carp fishing trip to france (part 3)

This is Part 3  |  Part 1 is here |  Part 2 is here |

I know the list seems endless, but if you start organising things early it should all fall into place ready for your day of departure.  Make your list as early as possible and tick it off as you go.

Here are the lists I use;


This is a list of items that you need either for legal reasons or for piece of mind in case a problem occurs;


  • Angling Lines confirmation letter with ferry details
  • Set of the lake rules
  • Directions to the lake plus satellite navigation coordinate
  • Travel insurance
  • European Health Insurance Card/E11 card (application form available free from your local post office) Get this in plenty of time as you do have to apply for it and it may take a few weeks to come through.
  • Euros, or debit card, or both
  • Passport  (& check the expiry date!)
  • Drivers Licence ( if 2 drivers you both need them).  If you have photo cards remember the paper document too
  • Car insurance.  Check your car insurance covers you fully comp abroad (some only cover you 3rd party when in France.)  If there’s a second driver they need to be added on the insurance cover.
  • Vehicle log book
  • MOT if required
  • European breakdown cover (If you are a regular traveller abroad it could be cheaper to get an annual cover).

I keep all my documents together in a plastic folder so that I don’t forget anything.

Carp fishing holiday in France


Other Items Required;


  • Carp fishing holiday in France

    Warning triangle & fire extinguisher

    Warning triangle &  fire extinguisher (both available from Halfords)

  • First aid kit
  • Spare bulbs
  • Fluorescent waistcoat – one of these is required for the driver and one for each passenger in the vehicle. pic10
  • Alcohol breathalyser test kit (new for this year).  From July 1st 2012 it is compulsory to carry a breathalyser kit in the car.
  • Carp fishing holiday in France

    This breathalyser costs £24 from Halfords

    All the above must be easy accessible in case of an emergency

  • Headlight deflectors
  • GB sticker

Don’t forget to take a satellite navigation unit and a French map, along with a sat nav co-ordinates and something like the AA route finder directions.


Medical Requirements and cosmetics

Now if you are like me, you may need a small amount of medication to get by each day so it is important that you have sufficient medicines available to last you for your stay in France. A visit to the doctor or phone call for those additional supplies is important well in time before your departure.

Here is a list of other items that you may want to consider;

  • Sun cream, preferably factor 20+
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Anti histamines ( these are useful not only for allergies but also if you get stung, by mosquito’s, wasps, ants, bees, etc
  • Pain killers.
  • Tooth paste tooth brush
  • Shaver
  • Aftershave
  • Anti-perspirant
  • Plasters and Antiseptic cream
  • Phone charger
  • Pad and pen to record weights
  • Bin liners for rubbish

That is my list done. All that I need to do now is make sure that I have all have all the tackle for the trip… & I’ll cover this in my next blog.

Paul Cooper


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