Carp catching madness at Vincons – 184 carp for 3,667lb!

The five of us arrived at Vincons around 3pm & our first impression was “WOW… is all this just for us… let’s have a beer to celebrate!”


To start with we chucked oily sticks out on 5/6 rods and unloaded the cars.  Not expecting to catch the first night we didn’t put any effort in, but we still caught a couple of fish each. We went to bed (5 people in the lodge) thinking we could have a good week here … we really had no idea how good though!






Sunday started slow with only 2 fish before 4pm. Two of us moved around 6pm to a new spot to the right of the lodge in the trees where all hell was let loose with 12 fish caught in the next 4 hours!

This set the scene for the rest of the week, with the dam wall fishing better from after lunch into the night & up in the trees fishing better in the morning, at about 40 metres out. Fishing slows around lunch time all over the lake. With a bit of trial and error we worked out that if you fished close in until lunch then on the far bank in the afternoon you could keep the sport going all day.




At times it was manic… I had 3 x 20’s in 3 nets one morning before anyone else was up. You must take 2 nets for each swim to stand a chance. We fished in pairs and it would take 5 hours to get all 6 rods in the water at any one time, only to have 4 back on the bank in 15 minutes of madness. It’s the only place I have fished where you are happy to let someone else have ago so you can have a break!




The trees along the lodge bank need to be cut back and it is very difficult to cast and a bait boat is an advantage. I found wading out to cast worked a treat. Any hook bait caught fish & I ended up with plastic on all rods to save time on re-baiting, using the same hook until it started dropping fish.



The method was the winner, catching everywhere we chucked it. Find a spot keep the bait going in using enough to get a bite. The fish moved around in shoals so if you got a bite you would get another and another and another until all your rods were on the bank. We didn’t fish at night and pulled all the rods in at dark and had a social. By the end of each day we were all shattered.





We had 184 carp for 3,667lb 11oz. I had 49 carp in 6 days fishing for 976lb 4oz. Not the place to go for monster carp, but if you want fun easy fishing with a good chance of a 30 give it ago.



The owners were great, the lodge was all you needed and as we had rain and gale force winds were very glad to have it.




We all ended up sleeping in the lodge as it was easy and comfortable. The shower and toilet was clean with plenty of hot water. You are only 10 minutes from a great supermarket at Lignieres, which sells a limited amount of tackle and bait.

We loved it so much we have booked for 2011.

Thank you for a great service again, cheers.

Stafford Patmore & party


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