Paul with a Boux 50 from an Oct 2011 session
Here’s a question we received from a customer;
Can you tell me what the lake bottom is made up of at Boux?
Paul Cooper answers;
Hi Terry
The lake bottom in Boux varies, depending on what part of the lake you decide to fish. The steep margins on the dam are made up of rocks and stone which ends at the bottom of the slope in silt. The further away from the dam the silt gets deeper. Once you are past around 60yards the silt thins out and remains similar to this to the far end of the lake. The bay nearest to the car park is heavily silted and yet the bay near to the cattle drink does have a firm bottom and is an excellent bay for the feeding carp.
The non fishing bank is shallow and has a clay/gravel make-up and has a hard bottom make-up for at least 20yards from the bank where it then turns silty. These silty areas are not a problem as the fish feed naturally in this silt. There are some large holes just off these margins where anglers have created feeding areas by continually feeding in one spot. They are a long distance from the wooded bank and unless you are a long caster, you will not reach them with unless you use the boat on site or with a baitboat. You do tend to find that these margins are where the crayfish lie and feed.
From the wooded bank the bottom is made up of soft clay then turns into silt. Again this silt is not a problem to the feeding carp. If you cast and lead around in open water you will find some harder patches of gravelled areas where the carp have excavated the silt when feeding.
The bay to the left of the wood bank is shallow and again the margins are fairly hard, made up of gravel and clay, but once again, if the Crays are active they gather in this bay but the carp do love this area.
While I was at Boux I made a couple of videos that could give you some more advice and tips.
How to protect Baits when Poisson Chat or Crayfish are active
Hope this helps,
Paul Cooper,
Carp Fishing in France at Boux