Bumper Catch at Lillypool

Lillypool French Carp Fishing

34.03 – Darren

A bumper catch week for Stuart, Jamie and Darren last week at Lillypool.

Details of your catches: Darren had 33 carp to 40lb 8oz. Stuart had 24 carp to 40lb 14oz. Jamie had 25 carp to 30lb 2oz.
Your best tactics/bait/rigs: Heavy baiting.
Were the facilities what you expected? Yes, epic shower, the lodge was brilliant!

General comments: We fished hard all week, pushing for the lake record. Rick the bailiff was fantastic, helping out in the kitchen and keeping us supplied so we could keep fishing. What a hero, top lad!! 2 bottles of champagne in the fridge for you fella. The particle was constantly on cook for us, we got through around a quarter of a tonne of bait, the fish loved, they where definitely on the munch.

Lillypool French Carp Fishing

40.14 – Stuart

Lillypool French Carp Fishing

Jamie, Darren & Stuart

For more information on Lillypool follow the link – French Carp Fishing


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