From July 1st 2012 it is compulsory to carry a breathalyser kit in the car in France.
We told you back in March that we’d try to get some of the kits into the UK so you could buy them from us if you wanted. Well they’ve arrived and we’re happy to sell them at no profit.
They will be £2.50 + 60p P&P.
They contain 2 tests (which is what the French are recommending – see below).
We only have 50 so it will be first come first served & one per customer. Just give us a call (01773 590077) & pay by card & we’ll get them in the post to you the same day.
From July 1st 2012 it is compulsory to carry a breathalyser kit in the car in France.
Two kits per car are advised (so if you use one you’re still able to stay legal) & 15 euro fines for non-compliance will be levied from November 1st 2012.
France has strict drink driving laws with blood alcohol levels being stricter than in the UK (0.5 mg/ml rather than 0.8). This equates to 2 x 12cl glasses of wine for a man weighing 75kg (11½ stones).
France also has a no tolerance position if you are stopped and prove positive for any drug substance, including cannabis. The penalty for this is the loss of your driving licence.
More information here – https://www.thelocal.fr/2487/20120206/