Best Months To Fish In France?

Paul asks; What month would be best to book for fishing in France?  

I think you could ask this question of 100 people and get a different answer each time. Usually April through to October is the main season.  March and November can be less reliable due to the weather which will affect the water temperatures and consequently the carp feeding patterns.

GiganticaThe best months if you go by popularity are May, June and September. However, most venues genuinely fish well all year. Of course sudden weather changes at any time of year can slow or stop dead the carps willingness to play!  And unfortunately through climate change we have seen some bizarre weather at odd times. I remember distinctly choosing sunny August for a trip to the south of France to Mas Bas and it rained heavily non stop all week when usually it would be 30 degrees.

The fish are naturally on the feed as the waters start to warm up so if March is very mild that too can still be a good month. There are so many factors beside the weather as the carp stocks themselves have a big effect as does the size and the depth of the water.  Some lakes take a long time to warm up and others don’t. Drought years can also have a detrimental effect as can too much rain. The elements go on and on.  A lake with a good flow through of river water has less fluctuations in temperature over all and so earlier and later months can be better on this type of lake.

Top tip for picking the months to fish is simply to look at the feedback for the lake you are interested in & you’ll begin to see a pattern of which months the lake performs its best (you can see Laroussi‘s feedback here). On many lakes our feedback goes back for years so you’ll definitely begin to see patterns.  This can give you all the confidence you need.

Here at the Angling Lines office we’ll happily answer any questions you have regarding any of the lakes and the pro’s and con’s of booking each one.  All you need to do is ask!

Hope this helps,


One thought on “Best Months To Fish In France?

  1. Jon Perkins says:

    I would say the first half of May or the second half of October.

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