Beaurepaire was born in 2005 , 7 years ago and the big decision that faced Bernard at the time was how to stock the lake. He could obviously go for smaller numbers and bigger carp and stock additional fish along the way or start the lake in it’s infancy with good quality smaller carp, just doubles and twenties and wait for the carp to grow.

His decision was to stock higher numbers of quality smaller carp and show patience. So we started to market the lake as a real runs water but a thirty would initially be hard to come by. Whilst a few more fish and catfish have been stocked intermittently, the stock has remained mainly unchanged, apart from the sizes…
In the intervening years we have seen remarkable growth rates and huge numbers of very happy anglers but never have I seen a start to the year like this. It looks to me that Beaurepaire has finally come of age, and whilst it keeps it’s title as a consistent runs water, the sizes of the carp caught is now excellent.. and Beaurepaire has just shown it’s come of age with 3 x 50’s in one week! All this despite 3 weeks of the worst April weather France has seen in 13yrs.
Venton Party 14th to 21st April 2012.
50 plus fish… 53lb, 52lb 3oz, 50lb, 7 x 40’s to 45lb 8oz, 15 x 30’s to 37lb 8oz and loads of 20’s to 29lb
The Hiatt Party 14th to 21st April
21 fish… 8 x 40 upto 47, smallest 24
Ben Hopkins party 7th to 14th April
23 fish in total… 5 x 40s 7 x 30s
Angling holidays at Beaurepaire