Mehdi, the owner of renowned big fish waters Old Oaks and Laroussi, fills us in on the latest from the lake…
Despite the very hot summer Old Oaks has produced constant good fishing, but last week has been awesome! Neil Martin’s party had a crazy time catching 48 fish in total with 17 forties and a fifty. Approx 15 fish lost to the snags.

Not bad for their first french carp trip…

A kiss for the long common at 60.08
In other news the ‘long common’ hasn’t been caught since May. Last time, she was a hefty 60lb 8oz. Many carpers have seen this particular specimen swimming along the branches of the far margin…easy to see but who will catch it next? After a summer of growth it will be interesting to see her weight now.
Tight Lines
For more information on Old Oaks follow the link – Carp France