April Review from Villefond

The DIY Ghosty @ 44lb 1oz

The fish are yet to really get on the feed at Villefond but this hasn’t prevented anglers from having some amazing catches and some really special fish have been caught which has made picking a fish of the month really difficult.

A lot of the lakes real characters have been caught including the lakes biggest original Arthur at over 50lb, Arnold, Slate Grey, Little John and the big two tone fish known as Max.

But there have also been some real rare visitors to the bank caught such as Libby – this capture was only her 3rd ever, and a real long Mirror which again was caught for only the 3rd time and at over 40lb.

The weather out at the lake through most of April has been horrendous with consistent rain pretty much all month that just seemed to get worse and worse with full scale storm weather towards the end of the month. The guys we have had out have done a great job at braving the elements and putting some great fish on the bank so well done guys.

Fish of the month

So tough has the decision for fish of the month been this month that I have actually written and deleted this 3 times each focusing on a different fish, but I have finally made my decision.

For me the fish of the month in April was a fish known as the DIY Ghosty. The DIY Ghosty is another extremely rare visitor to the bank and was first caught in the first fishing trials on the lake in 2008. She was the first 30lb fish to be caught out of Lac Du Villefond and colour wise was the same as any other mirror carp. But something changed in the fish before its next visit to the bank.

She was next caught around a year later and had become a very pale coloured fish, but her transformation did not stop there. By the time of her next capture in March 2011 she had gone almost white in colour with the exception of big dark patches around her eyes. Some where along the line this once normal looking mirror carp had transformed into a ghost carp and has become one of the most sought after characters in Lac Du Villefond.

Now over a year since her last capture she has graced the net of one very lucky angler at 44lb+… her first capture over the 40lb mark… and she looked particularly impressive.

She is a fish that doesn’t get caught often and seems to put on steadily impressive weight gains between each capture. We will never know what caused the fishes appearance to change so drastically, but what ever it was certainly doesn’t change the fact that this is a fish with the potential to reach some big weights and who wouldn’t want to catch a 50lb+ Ghost carp one day?

Carp Fishing in France


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