A Start on the Walls – Building the Cabin at Glehias

Glehias have begun work on the Floating Island Cabin in readiness of the 2014 Season, here’s this week’s update from Lee…

Last week we launched the cabin platform from Lagoon walk where the bank was flat and wide enough to build it. This weekend’s first job was to punt the platform framework to Blackberry Hill on the other side of the lake; William and the little-un’s came along for the ride! So now the rest of the timber and other materials only have to be carried half the distance to finish the build.

Glehias French Carp Fishing

Top wall plate ties the corner posts in place.

Saturday afternoon was spent building the 6 main corner posts of the cabin and temporarily propping them in position at the correct angles; the walls will lean out at 10 degrees and it’s critical that the posts are set exactly right. Normally you would use a spirit level to verify walls are level and true, but everything on a floating platform has to be checked with measurements and this slows things down a little, but time spent at this stage getting things spot on will save huge complications later in the build.

Glehias French Carp Fishing

This will become a panoramic window looking out over the lake.

Sunday saw the corner posts tied together in final position with a wall plate and three of the wall frameworks infilled and braced. The arch top door and round window positions were also finalised today.

Glehias French Carp Fishing

Till next weekend…

Next weekend we will finish up the wall structuring and then I’ve got a nice complicated six sided roof to start!

Lee @ Glehias French Carp Fishing

If you missed the first ‘Building The Cabin’ installments they are all here.


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