A New Lake Record Carp For La Fonte

Last week saw the Carter party have a very successful week at La Fonte, topped off by a new lake record of 50lb 8oz, and a common at that!

Here is the group’s feedback report;

Holiday date: Sat 31st Mar to Sat 7th Apr 2018
Name of customer: Daniel Carter
Number of anglers: 3
Details of your catches: 19 fish landed. 2 lost.

50.8lb Common
48.10lb Mirror
44.10lb Mirror
42.8lb Mirror

8 30’s to 38lb and 7 20’s to 28lb.

big common carp la fonte

50lb 8oz

Your best tactics/bait/rigs: No bait boats used. All fish caught casting to the far bank from Peg 1. Bright pop ups over large beds of Cell & Active 8.

Were the facilities what you expected? Yes, Spot on.
Were you happy with them? Yes.
la fonte carp fishing france

48lb 10oz

Would you recommend the venue to a friend? Yes.
Would you recommend our services to a friend? Yes.

General comments: Fantastic Lake. Clean & tidy facilities and surroundings. Joan and Philippe made us feel really welcome. The fishing was tough due to the time of year but we still managed 19 fish between 3 of us and the stamp of fish was very impressive indeed landing two of the biggest fish in the lake.
Find out more about La Fonte here – French Carp Lakes
French carp fishing lake La Fonte

42lb 10oz


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